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Creative Practice for Seniors

"Dancing into my future: How I learned, at 50, to embrace becoming an 'older' dancer"​

- Sara Porter 'The body's best before date has been extended — and dance extends with it.  CBC Arts online, 2018


CBC Arts · Posted: Dec 28, 2018 11:07 AM ET | Last Updated: December 28, 2018

FILM PROJECT - Porch View Dances, 2021

THRESHOLD   -  collaboration with film-maker Fran Chudnoff

A short film about crossing thresholds in our lives, in buildings, in the night, in ourselves. Performed by three dancers over 65 - Christine Moynihan, Catherine Marrion, Katherine Duncanson - the film premiered July 2021 at Porch View Dances, an initiative of Kaeja d'Dance in Toronto. 

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Sara Porter leads private and group sessions in Memoir & Movement for artists of all ages, experience and abilities. Following the interests of an individual, Sara crafts creative work and play geared toward performance or for people simply looking to remain creative engaged. 


Following our years of studio sessions, I meet weekly with octegenarian Stephen Levine at his home to continue our work through play: moving, singing, conversation about theory & expression, art & life. From this play-work, we craft material geared toward performance., read poetry, build stories, remember and discuss. 


If you know a senior citizen who would value creative engagement - one one one - please get in touch. 


"Sara Porter is a truly inspiring teacher. She gives her students maximum freedom to discover their own creativity and shape it into form."
- Stephen Levine, age 83

by Stephen Levine, age 81, at Art
scape Youngplace, 2019

After completing a course in Memoir & Movement in 2019, octogenarian Stephen Levine approached me to ask if I would help him create a solo show. Recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, he wanted to remain active and  creatively engaged.

Stephen and I worked together in studio and in his living room through 2019, collecting his stories and setting movement frames for his dancing. In May 2019, Stephen premiered It Could Have Been Me, a 40-minute storytelling & movement show to a packed house at the Intergalactic Studio in Artscape Youngplace. He took his show on the road, performing in Peru, USA, and Switzerland.  

Stephen's background is in performing, but his career focused on developing Expressive Arts Therapy training and education: he is the founder of Create Institute, Toronto, as well as programs at The Graduate School in Saas Fe, Switzerland, and author of several books about Expressive Arts therapy. 

Stephen is currently working on his next show.

Stephen Levine, PhD  Professor Emeritus, York University (Toronto) Founding Dean of the Doctoral Program in Arts, Heath and SocietyThe European Graduate School (Switzerland)Founder of The Create Institute (Toronto) 

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It Could Have Been Me!

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